Help Configuring Group Policy Script
I've been searching and searching and searching and I've found a lot of related posts, but nothing so far seems to correct my issue. Though the problem does seem a bit unique. I don't have much experience with networking at all so maybe it's not so unique. Anyway, I am testing out a Windows 7 laptop on our network. I was able to join the domain just fine but the login script just doesn't perform the drive mappings. It doesn't really seem to be related to user's privilege level either. For my logon (I am a system administrator) it will only map one drive when I should have three. Another user (a standard user) doesn't have ANY drives mapped, and yet another standard user maps all but two (out of 7). I don't think we use GPOs to do this (but I'm not sure). We have 8 batch script files in C:\WINNT\SYSVOL\sysvol\<domain>\scripts which are set in the user profile depending on the user. The script runs on login but it halts on seemingly random drives for each user and prompts for username and a password. I've tried giving it authentication using both specific user credentials and our generic administrator account credentials. This just gives an error 1219 saying multiple connections to one resource by the same user are not allowed. Help! Please! Thank you all in advance.
February 3rd, 2010 11:15pm

I'm going to try using a Group Policy login script to see if it will work for Windows 7. I got the following script from Microsoft . I'm not quite sure of everything that needs to be changed to suit my network so I'm asking for some help in determining what parts of this script I need to change. '================================================= ' Network Logon Script in VbScript ' Must be Modified to your network environment '================================================= Option Explicit Dim objGroupList, objUser, strGroup, objNetwork, strNTName, WshShell Dim NetBiosDomainName, strHomeDrive, strHomeShare NetBiosDomainName = "YOURDOMAIN" Set objNetwork = CreateObject("Wscript.Network") strNTName = "" On Error Resume Next Do While strNTName = "" strNTName = objNetwork.userName Err.Clear If Wscript.Version > 5 Then Wscript.Sleep 100 End If Loop On Error GoTo 0 '====== Synchronizing local time with domain ====== On Error Resume Next Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") WshShell.Run "%COMSPEC% /c net time /DOMAIN:" & NetBiosDomainName & " /SET /YES",0,true '======== Bind user object in Active Directory ======== Set objUser = GetObject("WinNT://" & NetBiosDomainName & "/" & strNTName & ",user") '======= Map network drive based on group membership == if IsMember("Accounting") then MappedDrive "N:", "\\YOURSERVER\ACCOUNTING" End if '======== Map public drive ============================ MappedDrive "P:", "\\YOURSERVER\PUBLIC" Greeting strNTName Set objGroupList = Nothing Set objUser = Nothing Set objNetwork = Nothing '======================================================= ' MappedDrive function '======================================================= Function MappedDrive (DriveLetter, SharedPath) On Error Resume Next If objNetwork.DriveExists(DriveLetter) Then objNetwork.RemoveNetworkDrive DriveLetter, True, True End If On Error Resume Next If objNetwork.DriveExists(SharedPath) Then objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive DriveLetter, SharedPath End if End Function '======================================================= ' IsMember function '======================================================= Function IsMember(strGroup) If IsEmpty(objGroupList) Then Call LoadGroups End If IsMember = objGroupList.Exists(strGroup) End Function '======================================================= ' LoadGroups function '======================================================= Sub LoadGroups Dim objGroup Set objGroupList = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") objGroupList.CompareMode = vbTextCompare For Each objGroup In objUser.Groups objGroupList( = True Next Set objGroup = Nothing End Sub '======================================================= ' Greeting function '======================================================= Function Greeting(UserName) dim POPUP_WAIT, Shell, Env, sDate, h, strMsg, GreetingTime POPUP_WAIT = 3 Set Shell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") set Env = Shell.Environment("PROCESS") sDate = Now h = Hour(sDate) if (h < 12) then GreetingTime = "Good morning! " elseif (h < 17) then GreetingTime = "Good afternoon! " else GreetingTime = "Good evening! " end if strMsg = GreetingTime & UserName & ", Welcome to Corporate Network" & VbCrLf _ & "It is " & FormatDateTime(now(), VbLongTime) & " on " & GetTodayLongDate Shell.Popup strMsg, POPUP_WAIT, "Login Script", 0 End Function '======================================================= ' FormatLongDate Function '======================================================= Function GetTodayLongDate Dim dDate dDate = now() GetTodayLongDate = WeekdayName(DatePart("w",dDate),0) & " " _ & MonthName(DatePart("m",dDate),1) & " " & DatePart("d",dDate) _ & ", " & DatePart("yyyy",dDate) End Function Obviously I need to change stuff like this "\\YOURSERVER\ACCOUNTING" to match my network drives, but what else is there I need to change. Thank you in advance for your help.
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February 4th, 2010 8:26pm

Let us start with what you want to accomplish :)I suppose that you want to map network drives and maybe printers during logon. If you have domain controllers running Windows Server 2008 or later I suggest that you use Group Policy Preferences to map network drives and printers and totally skip using a classic logon script. Using Group Policy preferences is more failsafe and easier to manage as it is handled as a traditional GPO, with possibilites to assign it to specific groups or do WMI filtering etc. Read more on Group Policy Preferences at
February 4th, 2010 9:44pm

We have a Windows 2000 Server for our Domain Controller and for Active Directory. The drives I need to map are on a Linux system. Can I still use the above script?
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February 4th, 2010 10:04pm

I think I've got the script configured. Anyway, testing the script on the client I've discovered this doesn't solve my problems either. :( *sigh The script runs, but doesn't map some of the drives. It hangs for a bit then gives up. I only get one drive mapped on my administrator account, same as I did with our old way of doing login scripts. Is there no way to fix this?! Aaargh! This is driving me nuts!
February 4th, 2010 10:57pm

Hi, Considering this issue is related to script and we have specific forum for this, it is recommended that you go to our Scripting Forum for further investigation. Thanks. Nicholas Li - MSFT
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
February 10th, 2010 1:35pm

No this isn't a scripting problem. I merely wanted a little help in figuring out what parts of the script were domain specific so I could change them and see if this script would work instead of our batch scripts. I was able to figure out what I needed and got the script working. However, it didn't solve the problem we were having with our batch scripts which is outlined here: Tell me, MS, why is something that's so commonly done so hard (no, impossible ) to do!
February 10th, 2010 11:35pm

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