Help needed to recover from a virus
Hi, I have come on here to seek help fixing my PC from what I suspect was/is a virus. My computer started to run really slowly and a quick look in task manager showed an svchost.exe file using up a lot of memory.Deciding it best to run a full virus scan using the PC Guard antivirus software supplied by Virgin Media it became apparent when checking that the definitions were up to date that no updates had been received for the antivusware since august.In a moment of stupidity after trying to install the latest updates and failing I decided it may be a problem with the software so I tried to re-install from the web the PC Guard suite, of course it uninstalled but when trying to re-install after the initial download in throws up an error message saying that the computer is not connected to the internet and halts the installation.I now thought that a virus might be present and checked the windows updates to see whether or not the windows updates had been affected. I found that a few updates had taken place but most of the security related updates had failed. Any attempt to correct this has been met with the "checking the updates required" screen permanently being shown with the progress bar indicating that it is still reviewing, (after a couple of hours). Checking the update not recieved the following were shown as not being present;KB983583KB982214KB2160529KB2183461KB983583KB2079403KB981852KB2115168KB981997KB911895KB890830KB980436KB982665I now used the One care service to scan the computer and it found the following virus in two fictitious locations.TrojanDownloader:Java/Openstream.wThe One care scan was unable to remove the virus so I downloaded and installed the Malicious Software removal tool which after a full scan failed to find the virus identified in the One Care Scan.My next approach was to download Microsoft Security essentials which found the virus in four locations and was able to delete them.Thinking this would be the end I tried the Windows update service again only to find it could get past the "checking for updates required" screen again. On trying to re-install the PC Guard suite again the same failure mode of not connecting to the internet again was experienced.I don't know if there are still viruses present on my machine or whether these are just the effects of the virus that has been deleted but any assistance that anyone can offer me would very much be appreciated.1 person needs an answerI do too
September 7th, 2010 8:48pm

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