High latency from 2nd hop onward.
And no it's not my connection(LAN DSL). Tested with dual boot XP, latency is fine there. 1 34 ms 35 ms 35 ms 2 333 ms 372 ms 381 ms sl-gw18-sj-12-0-TS9.sprintlink.net [144.232.193. 17] All tracert shows up like this. I eventually temporarily fixed them by allowing all connections in the firewall but this didn't stay after a reboot and the rules are still applied(Odd eh?). I have also tried multiple drivers for my NIC and still no luck. I also have tried disabling Nagle's algorithm but no change either. I am also unabled to be pinged when in Windows 7...
September 23rd, 2009 2:24am

From the data, it seems that the network speed is 1/10 of which it should be in Windows 7. Do you feel an obvious performance issue on network? When you access website, watch videos online or play games? Many of the network tracerts are not compatible with Windows 7. In Windows 7 they do not have permission to query the network latency. Additionally, Windows Firewall blocks ping packs by default, so you cannot ping a Windows 7 computer.Arthur Xie - MSFT
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September 24th, 2009 12:28pm

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