How I do a clean install of Win 8.1

Since my initial post        "Why is option to create striped volume grayed out in disk management?"

I have seen numerous threads re doing a clean install of Win 8.1. So I'm re-posting the info I got from Puget Systems when I RMA'ed the ZenBook back to The Egg and got a laptop that boots in 1.7 seconds and works. Edit !That was time before any progs installed. Now that I everything on it's about 20 from hit restart to waiting on me enter P/W.

Regardless of your system the advice I got from PS before the system was even built here in the US should apply as I ordered it W/O an OS.

D/L Drivers from the systems Mfg. site. If it's a DIY Lego then from the Mfg. of products, i.e. chipset, video card, audio, etc. 

When Windows begins install;

Choose Custom Install.

Uncheck Let Windows load drivers.

Uncheck any other options you don't want as well. I unchecked about everything and yet*

When OS is installed

Go into add/remove features and enable .NET Framework 3.5.

Restart Then load Drivers. As mentioned in other post I had already drivers Dl'd from Puget's site  and had in separate folder on flash drive.

This is by far the cleanest, best running Windows version I ever had on a system and have been installing since Win 95 A.

Hope this helps some of those who are having Clean Install issues.

* When I started IE 11 my Favorites were already there.  ???? I had them Exported but not to Flash Drive yet. Does M/S have link to NSA?

Happy Clean Install to all!


January 17th, 2014 1:08pm

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