How can I add comments, notes or tags to a folder in Windows 7?
I want to group media files with their related, covers, subtitles... in separate folders so I can add tags with a rating, year, style... to the folder and easily sort through my media. This isn't possible as far as I found out. I want to add notes to folders, not files. Any solutions?
January 4th, 2011 3:26am

Nope, folders are just dumb containers without tags, only files can be tagged and have meta data associated with them. However if you do add it to your files, you can some cool stacking things, such as "stack by year". This is different from grouping. Stacking results in something like this: This picture is from the beta version of Windows 7, but it's the same in the current version. Here's another example, stacked by month. You can stack by any available tag or property. If this was helpful, please vote by clicking the green triangle. If it solves the issue, click Propose as Answer. Thanks!
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January 5th, 2011 12:17am

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