How could I copy development FIM environment to test FIM environment ?

I would like to copy development FIM environment to test FIM environment.

I backuped SQL2008DB of development FIM and restore DB to test FIM SQL2008 environment.

I tried to reconfigure FIM using fim installer and during that , it start to Updating connector space indexes .

It looks it take long time.

Is there any way to good way to rapidly copy development FIM environment to test FIM environment ?

If Updating connector space indexes is inevitable, how could I speed up that proccess ?

Test environment is Hyper-V guest and have a lot of CPU,memory resources.

I set max memory limit of test SQL2008 to speed up Updating connector space indexes.

or should I increase max memory of test SQL2008 ?

July 25th, 2013 4:33am

This is difficult and depends on the accepted level of variation from DEV to Test for FIM as well as the environmental differences between Dev and Test.

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July 25th, 2013 8:18am

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