How do I rectify my page boarders?
When I create a word document which has a boarder, half of the bottom boarder is cut off when it is printed. I can also see in "print preview" that the boarder is cut off. Additionally both side boarders are not aligned evenly. I have tried for many hours to fix this problem by following the Microsoft "Help" steps. This has been a problem for a long time and I can not think of what has caused the problem as I have never played around with the boarder margins or page set up. When I select "Ok" to print, prior to printing taking place the computer displays a messgae saying " The page boarders of section 1 are set outside the printable area of page. Do you wish to continue?"Can anybody advise on this matter?1 person needs an answerI do too
December 17th, 2009 2:02pm

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