How do I remove Radial Point from my pc?
I recently had to buy and install a new hard drive for my Acer Aspire x1700 desktop and had to install everything including my Windows Vista Ultimate os and have been installing everything from scratch, drivers, etc... I have an account with McAfee security and logged on to reinstall my antivirus program which wont expire until June of '11 anyway after downloading in the process of installing the McAfee install window said I had to remove/uninstall a none compatible program called "RADIAL POINT" from my pc! I went to the add/remove programs and it's not even noted that I have radial point! Can anyone help me or tell me a guaranteed malware software program that's free in order to remove it so I can install McAfee? HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP
October 5th, 2010 12:58am

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