How do you get windows 7 activated online?
When you try to activate windows 7 online, you keep getting the error, indicating the process has timed out. I know it is not my end of the connection, as i am on broadband cable and have no problems anyplace else in staying connected. The telephone number you are given to activate that way is always busy. Are there any other ways to get this product activated?
May 14th, 2009 3:57pm

alfatronix - Yes... And many of those cracks are also laced with trojans and viruses. Great advice...! NOT!
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May 15th, 2009 6:38am

When you try to activate windows 7 online, you keep getting the error, indicating the process has timed out. I know it is not my end of the connection, as i am on broadband cable and have no problems anyplace else in staying connected. The telephone number you are given to activate that way is always busy. Are there any other ways to get this product activated? woebegong - Not really. You might try doing it again maybe at a different time of day - late night, perhaps.
May 15th, 2009 6:40am

woebegong: Have you been able to get Windows 7 RC activated yet? -Nick
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June 15th, 2009 8:06pm

I ended up doing the whole works all over again. I contacted microsoft tech. services and the young lady acted like they had never heard of windows 7 and kept insisting that I needed to have an activation code as well as the authenication key that was sent to me by email, when i first downloaded RC. I just figured it would be easier to do it all over again, than to deal with this. After going through the whole deal and setting it up again, the authenication code worked just fine and was able to do it online. I sure like 7 a whole lot better than vista ultimate, except I really wish I could have kept internet explorer 7 rather tham go to 8. Don't particularily carefor IE 8, as it seems slower to me for one, but I guess you can't get everything. I do hope that there will be more add ons for IE 8 in the future, because as it stands right now, with few exceptions, firefox is my browser of choice. It has a few issues also but it sure is a lot faster.
June 16th, 2009 3:06am

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