How to Connect Hyper-V client VMs

I have a Windows 8.1 Pro desktop and I'm trying to set up a lab on that machine where a Windows Server 2008R2 VM (VM client 1) hosts an application that a Windows 7 Pro VM (VM client 2) accesses. I have both VM clients installed and running, but I'm having problems connecting them to each other.

I set up each client with an internal virtual switch that connected to my wireless adapter to connect to the internet. I can ping my desktop from the clients, but not client-to-client. Any help or pointers to documentation is appreciated.

Edit - I can ping the Windows 7 VM client from the Windows Server 2008R2 VM and from my desktop. I cannot ping the Windows Server 2008R2 VM from either my desktop or the Windows 7 VM. Maybe something about WS 2008 R2 that is blocking the request?
February 20th, 2015 12:55pm

Ping is blocked by the default settings of the Windows firewall.

Have you enabled Remote Desktop on the VMs?

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February 20th, 2015 6:55pm

Remote Desktop is enabled, and File and Printer Sharing (Echo Request -ICMPv4-In)/(Echo Request -ICMPv6-In) are enabled in Inbound/Outbound Rules. I also tried turning off Windows Firewall, but still could not ping the ws 2008r2 VM.
February 20th, 2015 7:46pm

Have you tried simply disabling the firewall completely on the server to do your test?

  There are other ways than ping to tell if a client can see a server.

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February 20th, 2015 8:14pm

Hi cinghaale,

Have you tried to ping both with the IP address and the name ?
Please try the following links to resolve this issue .Please check this both the server and the windows 7 machine .

Nobody Can Ping My Computer

Best regards

  • Edited by MeipoXu 6 hours 13 minutes ago
February 21st, 2015 12:33am

I can connect to the WS2008R2 VM by IP address from both the physical host and the Win7 VM, and netstat/an shows the WS2008R2 VM is listening on the required port. But I still can't connect via http://server.
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February 21st, 2015 1:32am

Hi Cinghale,

Try to run this "ipconfig /flushdns" as an administrator and then have a check .

Best reagrds

  • Edited by MeipoXu 3 hours 46 minutes ago
February 21st, 2015 3:01am

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