How to add a network drive as a library
How do I add a networked drive to a Library when I get a message saying: This folder cannot be included because it is on a share that is not indexed. I want to create a Library with applications to be installed and add in our two shares with this information. This would be a very useful feature but if it has to be indexed it is very limiting. Update: The trick is to make the drive available offline then it can be indexed. Not as useful as it could be if it didn't require indexing but still works.
January 23rd, 2009 12:36am

I don't know about your specific application but i have my pictures, documents, and downloads all on networked locations. By simply moving the location of each under my "Users" folder assignments, much in the way folder redirection works. Would be nice if new libraries (your app) would work like the rest since the functionality is obviously there.
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January 23rd, 2009 4:03am

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