How to add exceptions to my registry so they won't be removed in the Defrag

My windows tiles were working just fine until a couple of days ago. I looked for solutions online but there were non. So, I reinstalled Windows and they were working. A week laater, smae problem. I started to wonder why this was and came to the  conclusion that it was because i defraged my registry. So if anyone can help me, i need to know How to add exceptions to my registry so they won't be removed in the Defrag.

Thank you in Advance


March 8th, 2014 12:31pm

What exact problem are you facing?Windows tiles are not working?
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March 8th, 2014 9:09pm

if you are using a tool to "defrag your registry", that tool will need to provide some method for excluding the relevant registry area.

(sidenote: I have no idea why anybody would see the need to defrag the registry)
(I would also not be surprised if such tools are unsuitable for use on TwinUI/Modern)

March 8th, 2014 10:38pm

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