How to cancel activate key from my notebook?
I want to buy new notebook. But I install Windows 7 pro 64 with old notebook. How I can do?
March 7th, 2011 9:48pm

You can't "cancel" an activation. If it's the retail version of Windows 7 you can erase the disk in the old laptop and reuse the install media on a new machine. You may have to activate by phone though. If it's an OEM version then it's legally tied only to the first machine you install it on and can't be moved to another machine. But since you're buying a new laptop anyway, why not just get one with Win 7 Pro x64 pre-installed?
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March 7th, 2011 10:12pm

it sounds so logical...I can`t see what`s the problem with Mr. gfyrpofdblknzfbn, or whatever...
March 13th, 2011 11:37am

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