How to clean the Windows Update History
Hello, I'm wondering if it's possible to clean or delete the entries of the updates that reported errors from the "Windows Update History" list. Regards
December 14th, 2007 2:33pm

Hi Reckon, Thank you for your post. Based on my research, we cannot delete one single entry in the Windows Update History list. However, we can clear the whole update history by renaming the file DataStore.edb (which is stored in C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\DataStore) to DataStore.edb.old. Hope it helps. Sincerely, Joson Zhou Microsoft Online Community Support
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December 18th, 2007 4:59am

You wrote: Based on my research, we cannot delete one single entry in the Windows Update History list. However, we can clear the whole update history by renaming the file DataStore.edb (which is stored in C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\DataStore) to DataStore.edb.old. Thank you for that info. My Question concerns update history being blank. I believe this happened at time of a system restore. I do notice installed history is populated. Is there any way to repopulate the update history with the installed history?
February 1st, 2011 2:58pm

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