How to do a silent install of MSI's on Windows 7?
I would like to know if it is possible to deploy MSI's to machines running Windows 7 and have them run silent without any UAC prompts, but not having UAC completely disabled? I work at a small private college in Michigan and we use ZenWorks to deploy our applications to machines and would like to not have to deal with UAC pop ups when we send software to machines. What is the best way to accomplish this? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
April 13th, 2010 7:30pm

Double-click the "My Computer" icon. This opens an explorer window.Go to the location of the MSI file. If the MSI file is located on a CD or DVD, right-click the drive in the "My Computer" window and select "Explore".Right-click the MSI file and select "Copy." Go back to the "My Computer" main window and create a folder on the "C" drive named "MyMSI." Paste the MSI file in this directory.Press the Windows "Start" button and select "All Programs." Select "Accessories" and then right-click on the "Command Prompt" icon. Select "Run as Administrator." This opens the DOS command prompt with administrator rights.Type "C:\Windows\System32\msiExec.exe -i C:\myMSI\<filename>.msi." This uses the Microsoft Installer software installed on the machine to run the file copied as administrator.
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April 16th, 2010 4:06am

If you need to use msi package use the following command line for the silent installation of MSI setups: MSIEXEC.EXE /I "path and filename of MSI" /QB- /LWAMOE c:\temp\install.log ALLUSERS=1 MSIEXEC.EXE - the MSI executable, the program that performs the actual installation of the application. /I - this switch informs the Windows Installer to install the specified application (as opposed to removing, reinstalling or repairing the application) /QB- - this switch instructs the Windows Installer to perform the installation with a basic user interface requiring no dialog boxes to be displayed. You might also use /QN to perform the installation with no user interface at all. /LWAMOE c:\temp\install.log - this switch instructs the Windows Installer to generate a log file at the specified path and file name (in this case, "c:\temp\install.log") and to include the following details: Non fatal errors, start up actions, out of memory or fatal exit information, out of disk space messages and all error messages. There are several other options (see the AppDeploy FAQ for more details) to include all possible details in the log file use "/L* c:\temp\install.log" ALLUSERS=1 - including this will cause the shortcuts for the application to be placed in "all users" instead of the current user profile. TechyFreak | Mobile Development Resources
November 22nd, 2010 3:54am

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