How to enable other languages on Windows 7 PCs ?
I'd like to enable Chinese,Japanese,Vietnamese & some other languages on student computer lab computer.All the student lab computers has Windows 7 & Office 2007.How can I enable these languages via group policy ? According to my research, it can be done by either: 1-Installation of IME (Input Media Editors) for specific language, or 2-Installation of LIPS (Language Interface Packs) for each language I'm confused at the moment and don't know how which one have to follow and how to do it via group policy ? Thanks
March 29th, 2011 2:35am

You can add additional input languages/input methods as described below. To change the user interface language, you can install either Language Packs (for Windows 7 Ultimate/Enterprise) or Language Interface Packs (LIPs) for emerging market languages. Add Input Languages Here is how you add additional input languages: Here is additional information for Chinese and Japanese: Language Packs if you are running Windows 7 Ultimate or Windows 7 Enterprise, you can install language packs via Microsoft Update: Once you installed a language pack, you can change the interface language of Windows 7 to the language that you select. You can find more information here: Language Interface Packs A Microsoft Windows Language Interface Pack (LIP ) is a high-quality, localized user interface for emerging or minority language markets. See: for more details and for a comparison between LIP and Language Packs (LPs). You can find a list of available LIPs here: Hope this helps.
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March 29th, 2011 10:25am

Andre Thanks for your reply.I don't want to change the default display language for Windows 7 which is US English at the moment.I just want to add additional input languages like Chinese,Japanese,Arabic etc which is pre-installed with Windows 7 enterprise edition for foreign students, so that they can type in their own languagaes. Finally I've found the way and now added all those languages to the language task bar by using Group Policy preferences for all student lab computers, but when I select any langauge then I can't type in that language.Do you have any solution for that problem ?
March 29th, 2011 11:05pm

You can change the default input language as described in the following tutorial. You can also change the keyboard layout using the language bar. Hope this helps.
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March 30th, 2011 2:15pm

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