How to execute iCACLS from (.cmd) or (.bat) file
I have the following command to set the folder permission FOR /F %i IN (D:\Sample\Sample.txt) DO ICACLS /grant "IIS_IUSRS":(OI)(CI)F for particular path obtained from the text file, this works fine if i execute independently from the command prompt window, but the same syntax does not work if add it .cmd or .bat file and try to execute, please can i know am i missing any additional syntax to make this perfectly work when it is ran through .cmd or .bat file Mahesh
April 7th, 2012 5:43am

This work (in your example the %%i was absent ...) @echo off :: :: acl.cmd :: FOR /F %%i IN (D:\Sample\Sample.txt) DO ICACLS %%i /grant "IIS_IUSRS":(OI)(CI)F Gastone Canali > Se alcuni post rispondono al tuo quesito (non necessariamente i miei), ricorda di contrassegnarli come risposta e non dimenticare di contrassegnare anche i post utili . GRAZIE!
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April 7th, 2012 8:06am

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