How to host website using IIS on Windows 7?
I've installed Windows 7 Enterprise x86. I want to publish my web application on my machine. So, I've enabled IIS windows features (Under IIS, I enabled all of Web Management Tools and World Wide Web Services)Now on a visual studio, I clicked on publish to publish my web application as I've done this before on Windows server 2008 environment. On a status bar, I simply get "Publish failed" message. - no more details..When I type in my server name on IE, I do get the default page. So, I guess IIS is running okay. What could be the reason?Thanks,
November 25th, 2009 10:16pm

Hi, Regarding the issue that publishing a website failed with Visual Studio, it is recommended that you go to our Visual Studio Forum for help: Visual Studio Forums For IIS questions or issues, you can go to IIS Forum. In addition, I would like to share the following information with you. How to: Publish Web Sites How to: Publish Web Sites (Visual Studio) Hope this helps. Thanks. Nicholas Li - MSFT
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November 26th, 2009 12:18pm

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