How to launch any program in an limited environment?
Hello, As we all know, there are some programs like FRAPS for example, which can be started with administrator permissions only. I would like to be able to start this program (or any other program like this) on an limited environment. And no, I don't care if this program needs administrator rights very badly. To be hones, not even a little bit. The bottom line is that those programs at least would try to launch themselves on an limited user without request of administrator permissions. If it needs some access to the restricted content then it can show me some error screen or something, but not the UAC pop-up. KEY MOMENT TO REMEMBER: The final result must be a program, which asks administrator permissions by default, running in an limited environment.
April 29th, 2012 7:38am

This task reminds me SteadyState in Windows XP, that is no more the case in Windows 7 environment. There are some third party tool: Deep Freeze, Time Freeze, and Returnil, some workarounds and special configuration from Mark Minasi Consider virtual solution - Microsoft Virtual PC and Hyper-V, Oracle VirtualBox and VMware to name few. Regards Milos
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April 29th, 2012 12:53pm

I read the description of this SteadyState thing and actually it's not what I am looking for. To be honest, not even close to that. But you are right, there are some connections with Window XP, because there was no such problem in Windows XP. I could probably better explain my target thru pictures. Here's what I see every time when I try to launch or instal a program on Windows 7 which requires administrator permissions by default: And this is my target:
April 30th, 2012 11:43am

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