How to set up a subordinate folder for sharing when the parent folder needs to remain private in a Win 7 64 bit network (3 computers)
We have 3 computers on a linked together. Two of them connect to the owners computer to access the accounting database (quickbooks) and other Office Word documents. We moved all of these files to the Public Documents area and can access them successfully from the other two computers. The problem is that when you share the Public Folders, it also makes the "USERS" folder shared as it is the parent folder. That gives access to the other folders listed under "Users". I have tried "Sharing with NO ONE" on that level and also setting special permissions to just share with specific people. Nothing seem to work. If I make the Public Folders a shared area, the entire "users" area is also shared. Where did go wrong?
July 18th, 2012 4:24pm

I think you have a mixture of advanced sharing and public folder sharing. If you set Pubic folder sharing to yes and don't do anything else you only share the Public folders and nothing else. If you use advanced sharing, you should turn off public folder sharing. In your description it seems, that somebody shared either the "Users" folder or even the root of your drive. Even with this set to share, no user should be able to access the folders of another user, except for administrators, which have access to everything by default - as not only the sharing settings but also the security settings are honoured by the OS in granting access to a resource. So I'd first check the Users folder and the root of your Windows drive for sharing settings and remove them, if you don't need them. Wolfgang
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July 19th, 2012 1:39pm

Thank you WolfP, This is also what I was thinking and yet I was not successful at "unsharing" the upper level. I must be looking in the wrong place. I will be going back to that office tomorrow and will look again. I am sure that it is an obscure little check mark in the wrong place that is telling the system to share the directory. I will post the effort next week. Thanks again.
July 20th, 2012 11:41am

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