How to spit on your customer that are helping you


For sure, I now planning to go away from Microsoft. I have 1 IPad from many years and never lost any apps after an upgrade.

The way microsoft decide to do the windows 8.1 upgrade is:

1. if you were kind enough to upgrade to the preview version (to help microsoft), you will loose all your applications

2. if you decide not to help microsoft and stayed with window 8 you won`t loose your apps. 

3. Microsoft let us know that you need to upgrade by rebooting your computer every 2 hours ! (they really don`t understand what is customer care)

How could they think that punishing customer you helped them by destroying their setup will make satisfied customer ? 

January 16th, 2014 7:40pm

Preview versions always act this way. Did you know what it was before you installed it?

Also Preview versions are not meant to be on a primary use computer. It is a way to try out the OS or use it for software or driver development.

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January 17th, 2014 10:37am

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