How to translate or tools to use to translate the windows event viewer event logs

How to translate or tools to use to translate the windows event viewer event logs

Window 7 OS.

Microsoft does have a website where you can check the windows the windows eventids, but I have not found that useful most of the times. or maybe its not hat easy to use.  Similar to tools like windbg to analyse BSOD, is there any tools where you could just dump a eventlog and analyse those obscure logs.

What do you use?

  • Edited by The Shankar Wednesday, January 15, 2014 11:49 AM vocabulary/ grammar
January 15th, 2014 2:48pm

I normally just read them one event at a time, then do internet searches for the ones that I find interesting.

There's *supposed* to be an online page at Microsoft that provides more information...  Indeed, there's a link at the bottom of the event viewer page entitled Event Log Online Help...


That seems like a great idea, but unfortunately Microsoft appears to have de-funded the organization responsible for documenting event log entries, because all that link ever seems to turn up are pages like this:


It seems we have not so much a problem of needing a 3rd party tool as with needing the most basic documentation.

Windows 8 is no longer new.  Why don't we have documentation on each and every event log entry now?  Who's not doing their job?


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January 15th, 2014 4:22pm

hello Noel,

the link you are referring to, could it be

http ://www. aspx

January 16th, 2014 10:50am

I'm not sure if that's directly related to the link shown in the Event Viewer, but it doesn't turn up information any better or more thorough.



The point is that Microsoft has chosen not to document errors they log in their own error log - such as the one I showed above - making the log essentially useless to users who would like to have their systems run perfectly.


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January 16th, 2014 11:02pm

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