Hyper-V Network issue...

Hi, sorry if this the wrong category to post this thread in because for weird reasons there is no category for Hyper-V.

My problem with Hyper-V is the following: i installed a guest OS in hyper-v [Windows 8.1]. It installed fine and is working however not connected to the internet, so i created a virtual switch as external and the os is now connected. But i want the guest OS to be able to communicate with the host os so i can test my client program on the guest.

Whenever i do that, the client (on the guest OS) can't find the server (on the host OS). I tried to ping the host from the guest and it gives me error.
I searched online for solutions on how to this, but none of them worked.

I would appreciate it if you can provide me with a step by step to this, or a link to a tutorial that is dedicated to solving this issue.

Thank you all

September 15th, 2014 7:32pm

The MSDN forums are for development discussions. System configuration discussions such as hyperv go in the TechNet forums.
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September 15th, 2014 8:30pm

If you are able to access the internet from both host and guest operating system they also should be able to communicate with one another. Please ensure that both receive proper addressing from DHCP or have valid statically configured addresses.

Another consideration is that ping may be blocked in the firewall. Ensure that the rule File and Printer Sharing Echo Request rules are enabled to allow traffic.

Windows Outreach Team- IT Pro
The Springboard Series on TechNet

September 22nd, 2014 4:00pm

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