IE 8 ActiveX problem
OS: Win 7 Enterprise x86 Hardware: Dell Latitude E6510 Using IE 8, going to any site that wants to load an ActiveX control such as Adobe Flash installer, the informational bar appears at the top of the web page. Click Install for All users. Prompt appears, hit yes. Page reloads. Gear/sprocket appears down at the bottom of IE stating that an add-on has been blocked from running, click here to look at your add-ons. Going in there brings up the addon manager. EVERYTHING is enabled and it's just the default install stuff and Adobe PDF. Removed Adobe Flash via uninstaller, removed Adobe PDF Reader. Verified all files were gone. Went into IE, Tools > Internet Options > Advanced > Reset... Hit the check box to wipe out all personal settings and then clicked reset. Went to Program Features, uninstalled IE 8, rebooted. Reinstalled IE 8, two more reboots to complete that and then updated the whole thing via Microsoft Updates. Go back to Adobe Flash installer, same problem. Went to PCPitStop ActiveX checker web page ( it claims "If you see the message ActiveX is not supported, then your browser doesn't recognize ActiveX at all. Netscape, Opera, or other browsers usually do not support ActiveX." Said, OK, I'll just manually install Flash via standalone EXE and see what that does. Installs fine. Load up a page that uses Flash in IE. It appears to randomly load up between 0 and X% of the Flash object and then loops it. While making for interesting an "remix" it doesn't appear to function correctly. Next data point: Went to and used their "I don't know what graphics card/chipset is in my system, please look for me." Same thing. Prompts to install the ActiveX control then fails to because of the sprocket in the status bar in the bottom. Next attempt,, "Please look up my system tag cause I don't wanna look under my laptop." exact same thing. So, I've reset everything I can find for an IE setting, uninstalled IE 8, reinstalled IE 8, updated everything. I'm down to "There's something in the registry saying "No ActiveX please" even though the settings within the Security Zone are all set to Prompt or Enable (tried Enable All even for unsigned/unverified; same thing). Scanned system for viruses/bad guy code via NOD32, Malwarebytes, Spybot, AdAware, and Windows Defender. All clean except a cookie that was looking at AdAware the wrong way apparently. Thanks for any help/ideas. John V.
July 14th, 2010 11:28pm

I searched the web to find how to turn off loolely coupled IE and only found a reference to changing the registry. It says to change HKEY_LOCAL_Machine\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main, TabProcGrowth to dword = 0. However, when I go there, it's a reg_sz value of Medium. Am I in the right place?
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July 15th, 2010 7:42am

It's possible there may be a problem addon you installed at one point causing a conflict. Try IE in another user account.
July 15th, 2010 12:03pm

Great idea. Just tried with Domain Admin account and Domain User account. DA acct has full admin on the machine, DU acct didn't. Same results with both. Informational bar popup in top of window, click install, Spacely Sprocket (Manage Addons icon with red "No" sign) at the bottom of IE pops up and says Addon disabled. Looking in there shows that everything is enabled.
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July 15th, 2010 7:58pm

Could be a group policy setting.
July 16th, 2010 3:46am

Hi, Does the issue occur when logging on the machine via local user account? At this stage, I suggest you add the websites to the Trusted sites in Internet Explorer Properties to check the result. If the issue persists, please collect the following log file for research. NOTE: GPSVC.log records the detail information of the user log on process and may help us to check the cause of our issue. 1. Access the problematic Windows 7 machine. Click Start -> Run -> type regedit -> click OK. 2. On the left panel, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon. 3. Right click Winlogon and select New -> DWORD Value. 4. Name the new value as UserEnvDebugLevel. 5. Double click UserEnvDebugLevel. 6. Set the value data as 0x00030002 (Hexadecimal). 7. Restart the computer. 8. Log on the domain user to reproduce the mapped drive problem. The information will be written into the %Systemroot%\Debug\UserMode\GPSVC.log file. Please find the file and send it to us. Thanks, NovakPlease remember to click Mark as Answer on the post that helps you, and to click Unmark as Answer if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
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July 16th, 2010 8:59am

Local account did the same thing. It was already in the Trusted Sites and removing it didn't change anything. I set it up to collect the log files as mentioned above. I went back to get them and found out that the boss got tired of it not working. The machine was formatted and Win 7 was reinstalled. Everything is working fine on it now. Just wish I could have gotten the log so I could figure out what the problem was. John
July 30th, 2010 9:30pm

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