IE 9.x (32 Bit) - Unable to automatically open Microsoft Office 2010 (32 Bit) Word or Excel from SharePoint - IE 9.x (64 Bit) works
Client Environment: Windows 7 Enterprise (64 Bit) Sp1 Office 2010 32 Bit Internet Explorer 9.x (has 32 bit and 64 bit but we strictly use the 32 bit) Server Environment: SharePoint 2007 Problem: IE 9.x (32 Bit) - Unable to automatically open Microsoft Office 2010 (32 Bit) Word or Excel from SharePoint - IE 9.x (64 Bit) works When clicking on a Microsoft Office 2010 (32 Bit) Word or Excel document on a sharepoint server the message displays "Download from site:" with the document name. Confirmed that the C:\Users\<userName>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\14.0\OfficeFileCache gets created or updated if the structure already exist. The Microsoft Office 2010 32 Bit Word or Excel does not open. If I first launch a blank word or excel document and then click on the SharePoint document a new Word or Excel document will open with the appropriate document from SharePoint. Close Office and try again from the SharePoint and the Microsoft Office 2010 32 Bit Word or Excel does not open. This is a global problem so I do not have anyone working. If Microsoft Office 2010 32 Bit Word or Excel does not open automatically you can open Word or Excel and look in the recent location and see reference to the form/document on the SharePoint server. Using other browsers is not an option. Performing a "Reset" on Internet Explorer options does not fix the issue. Performing a "Restore advanced settings" does not fix the issue. NOTE: With Internet Explorer 9.x (64 Bit) I do see at the bottom of IE9 stating that the file is being downloaded and showing percentage. Message: "73% of <filename.docx> downloaded" and then word opens with document With Internet Explorer 9.x (32 Bit) it shows that it is downloading from the site but never shows any percentage. Message: "Downloading from <site domain>" and sometimes this never shows up. Nothing happens as in opening word or excel Need help! Christopher C. Denny
October 2nd, 2011 8:27am

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