IE Broken..
Internet explorer displays no text on the TAB title NO text top of the browser next toto the IE logo. I will not let me right click copy or paste even through keyboard commands. It's so broken that I cannot download another browser to use. This is really bad... anyone else had this issue?
July 17th, 2009 2:04pm

ltheONEl -Have you tried a reset? Open IE 8. Press the ALT key and select Tools | Internet Options. Click on the Advanced (last tab on the right). At the bottom, there's a button marked RESET. This will set IE 8 back to it's default state. It will remove any and all plug-ins/add-ons like Flash player, Acrobat Reader, as well as delete any and all passwords and settings you may have. BUT... It may also fix the probem you'rehaving.Let us know how that goes...
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July 17th, 2009 2:10pm

menu's don't work either. nor to I have the tools, page or other dropdown menus. the little arrows are there but if I click them IE crashes. I have installed no weied plugins. I'm pretty minamilist with the browser.
July 17th, 2009 2:12pm

OK, I got the options menu via control pannel. I successfully RESET IE on the advanced tab. IE is still broken! Boo.
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July 17th, 2009 2:24pm

ltheONEl -Hmmm.. Not good. Do you have any antivirus software installed? Is it up to date and have you scanned your hard drive for anything suspicious...?
July 17th, 2009 2:37pm

Yes. I use Viper. I perform full scans every night. I've just done another quick scan now. All appears well. I even checked my network activity lastnight(packet capture), to make sure there was no unexpected traffic. all looked fine.
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July 17th, 2009 2:42pm

You arer welcome to web-ex if you would like a closer look.
July 17th, 2009 2:44pm

ltheONEl -Ok... So it's not likely anything foreign to the system that's causing this. Do you recall at about what point IE 8 started flaking out? If so, can you get to System Restore and try a restore point prior to that time?If not, the only other trick in my bag would involve doing an "in place upgrade" - which is a sort of repair installation - your data and apps won't be touched, but Windows itself gets reset to it's original state. You'll have to activate Windows again, and you'll need to visit Windows Update as well. To do this, you would need to insert your Windows 7 RC DVD in the appropriate drive and do an install on top of the existing copy. You'll also need your Windows 7 product key - the one you got when you downloaded the RC.
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July 17th, 2009 2:58pm

hmmm,OK, I'll try the restore. But I might leave the reinstall for a bit... I'm a bit weary of installingat the moment, can I not uninstall IE and reinstall that? or is there no installer for this version yet?
July 17th, 2009 3:03pm

ltheONEl - Actually - no... IE 8 can only be enabled and disabled. It's not like the whole program is removed, exactly from the RC. Some bits - like the HTML rendering engine are left intact for those applications that use the API.
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July 17th, 2009 3:18pm

Oh. I really meant to thank you for your quick response dude. I figure microsoft might want to know about this. As if this issue makes it into RTM code. I poterntially could see market share drop dramatically. Thank you.
July 17th, 2009 3:30pm

ltheONEl - No problems... You're welcome. Glad I could be here to help.
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July 17th, 2009 3:56pm

Hi dude, sorry I should have marked this as the answer. except I did not reinstall. I disabled IE and started using Chrome, was just easier.
July 24th, 2009 2:28pm

ltheONEl - If your still there sometimes if your user profile is corrupt creating a new user account and deleting the old onecan restore things like IE8.
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July 25th, 2009 10:43am

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