Hello sir/Madam, Whenever I tried to open the website or, i am getting the error as: There is a problem with this website's security certificate. Security certificate problems may indicate an attempt to fool you or intercept any data you send to the server. We recommend that you close this webpage and do not continue to this website. Click here to close this webpage. Continue to this website (not recommended). In my system 3 websites are automatically blocking and websites. those 3 websites are: 1. 2. 3. The above three websites are automatically taking me to the error page. These 3 websites are virus based . Please help me with your solution. I have your scanned my system,but it is not showing any virus in my system. Even i have cleaned registry. I am using Windows XP Operating system and IE8. Looking forward for your prompt response. Regards, Radhika. 1 person needs an answerI do too
April 4th, 2010 6:28pm

radhika, It sounds like you have downloaded some viral software. The sites themselves cannot block other sites - it's the software you downloaded from these sites. I noticed #1, 2 and 3 are all the same site or company. First you will need to recall what programs you downloaded from these sites and get rid of them immediately. If you're using their scans to find the virus than that is exactly what they have done while running the scan - that is those programs are executing hijackers and whatever it is that is blocking you from your gmail. You have to be more careful about what you allow to be dl on your pc. NEVER NEVER - EVER allow a site to automatically download anything on your pc. If that's what happened here (usually a warning pop up that says you need to scan your pc and it starts automatically to dl the "scanning software" but that's exactly what contains the virus) You can set that up in your tools menu. and you have to make sure you are using at least 2 anti virus programs that include anti-spyware or malware. I highly recommend that at least one of those be a PAID subscription. The free ones have a tendency to miss a lot that's out there. I have 2 both are paid and one sometimes misses what the other picks up. If you don't know which program sites are safe (and no can know all) use reputable sites for downloading programs such, (aka or - owned by pc magazine. There are some programs that will fix your pc by running scans that produce reports. You will need a tech person to help you with this but these programs are great for fixing damaged files due to viruses. here are a two plus a few recommendations for ALL INCLUSIVE anti-virus/spyware programs. Norton 360 - at the newest version is great. they also have the regular NORTON which is execellent and less expensive google for coupons - they have an all inclusive antivirus that works pretty good and you can google coupons for it to get the cost down. about $25 a year the programs that search and find damages are called: HiJackThis and ComboFix - just google names. GOOD LUCKOf course, it's just my opinion....I could be wrong!
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April 5th, 2010 7:25am

What exactly i have to do now to get rid of these viruses?Only two websites are not working in my system. and GMAIL.COM . These two websites are showing errors in Internet explorer or Firefox.
April 5th, 2010 4:53pm

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