IPv4-to-IPv6 Tunnel
i am a student training in the IT Techn. field, i am running into a problem with my currents hands-on project, i am required to setup my windows 7 machine to use IPv6 to connect to the internet, i cannot get it to work, i would put a screenshot, but this thread wont let me, please help.
February 22nd, 2011 2:50pm

HE tunnel? tunnelbroker.net using a router? what do your course materials instruct you to do? where are you located? domain? consumer ISP? you have not posted enough info for any real assistance. On Tue, 22 Feb 2011 19:42:34 +0000, dak0taray wrote: >i am a student training in the IT Techn. field, i am running into a problem with my currents hands-on project, i am required to setup my windows 7 machine to use IPv6 to connect to the internet, i cannot get it to work, i would put a screenshot, but this thread wont let me, please help. Barb Bowman http://www.digitalmediaphile.com
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
February 22nd, 2011 3:58pm

you can post a screenshot on a public folder on many sites - like skydrive.live.com or flickr, etc. then post a LINK to the jpg image. On Tue, 22 Feb 2011 19:42:34 +0000, dak0taray wrote: >i am a student training in the IT Techn. field, i am running into a problem with my currents hands-on project, i am required to setup my windows 7 machine to use IPv6 to connect to the internet, i cannot get it to work, i would put a screenshot, but this thread wont let me, please help. Barb Bowman http://www.digitalmediaphile.com
February 22nd, 2011 3:59pm

no router, i am instructed to research the four methods for setting up an ipv4-to-ipv6 tunnel and configure my windows 7 machine to use ipv6 to connect to the internet, and write down the method that i used below and document the steps i used to implement that method. i chose teredo. here is the screenshot:< https://jlqafw.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pvTfUdk8TTdZW79hrWH5vU059gpYyGCEoZK85ZFsL2GTKi8ZSqF9AdczR4vsuFUmJBNmUPSL6pAxe8YSbfbg0i1AkWSOhRDwM/sreenshot.jpg?psid=1 >-20q-
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
February 23rd, 2011 12:42pm

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