ISP Disconnecting
Hello, I have recently been experiencing a problem with my home computer in logging into my ISP. I have an Amquest (AM56HCFSP) modem that only recently has started disconnecting after about 1-2 minutes of proper ISP login. This problem is repetitive under WindowsXP and Windows98 (dual boot system). I've have tried replacing the exact modem with a duplicate modem device and experience the same problem. Furthermore, I experience similar problems on another system with the same mfg/make of modem. However, in using my ISP connect with a newer modem and laptop, I have found no problems maintaining my ISP connection overtime. I don't believe it is the phone line (but may be the modem) based on proper functionality with the newer laptop device. The fact that the same problem happens with a secondary modem in the same computer and on a different computer with the same type of modem is leading me to believe this may be related to the modem/ISP relationship. Any feedback on this would be appreciated.
May 29th, 2010 8:57pm

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