I can't Install UPDATE to my Metro!!!


I'm using Windows 8 for a couple of months ago and recently I noticed that my FIREWALL is OFF probably because of an

unknown third party app ( I can't remember what exactly it is) but I already REMOVE and UNINSTALL unnecessary apps.

and it's clean now NO MALWARE or anything, I checked LOCAL SERVICES and it's sort of alright BASE FILTERING is there and etc. 

the problem now is I can't INSTALL apps or any update on my METRO START UP

Is that just because my McAfee 2012 BLOCK the execution of my WINDOWS FIREWALL??

Also when trying to start running it's process form LOCAL SERVICES it say's ERROR CODE 5

and I also install USB Disk Security from Zbshareware recently. is it alright? or it will interfere to Mcafee which is pre intalled??

Thanks!! ^^ 

July 16th, 2013 4:29pm

Please uninstall McAfee completely.  Are you now able to start the Firewall?
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
July 17th, 2013 1:02am


To check these articles for troubleshooting:

The Windows Firewall Service Fails to start Introduction


or to check if this tool applies to windows 8:

Diagnose and fix Windows Firewall service problems automatically


July 18th, 2013 10:29am

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