I can't download Windows Live, AVG antivirus, and Skype. Firewall or IE 8 problem?
My Eee PC 1000HE is insalled with Windows XP and Service Pack3. I was trying to download the Windows Live, AVG antivirus and Skype with no sucess because they said they couldn't detect my internet connections. I have tried it in my work place and my house so I think it is not the router problem, it is the setup on my computer. I also found out that even I turned off the windows firewall on my computer, the security center still indicated that at least one part of firewall is still on. How do I identify and turn off firewall? Could it be a problem with IE8? Do I need to manually set up anything? Thank you and appreciate your help.1 person needs an answerI do too
November 24th, 2009 12:36am

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