I can establish a VPN connection to Vista Ultimate server from a Vista PC, but it is local only and doesn't allow internet access (it used to work)
So I have a Vista Ultimate pc setup as a server. It allows an incoming vpn connection (Everything is forwarded through the router correctly). It worked properly for a long time. When I say properly I mean that I could get on the local network and I also was able to "route or tunnel" the internet from the client and ask the server to get my sites. I'm probably not explaining that second point clearly, but what I'm trying to say is that if the VPN was active, and I browsed to a site such as WhatIsMyIP from the client, the IP address of the server popped up and not the actual IP address I was using with the client. I believe the term is "tunneling the traffic". Essentially what I was able to do with the VPN was use the local resources on the servers network and still be able to browse the internet from the client but in a "tunneled fashion". However, recently the "tunneling" part stopped working. I can't figure out why since I don't believe I made a significant change on either system to warrant the breakdown. Essentially when the VPN is established with my Vista client. It describes the VPN as "Local Only" whereas it would normally say "local and internet". If I open Firefox as you can imagine no sites are fetched but all "local" resources work fine. Sorry if I'm not using the right terminology with this stuff. I hope everyone understands what I'm trying to reiterate to everyone. Thanks in advance.
July 19th, 2009 9:17am

Hi, Thanks for posting in Microsoft TechNet Forum. Based on my research, this problem arises when the VPN client software is configured to use the VPN server as its default gateway. This is the default setting for the Microsoft VPN client software. Since all Internet hosts are remote from the VPN client's location, Internet connections are routed to the VPN server. If the VPN server is not configured to allow Internet connections from VPN clients, the Internet connection attempts fail. To troubleshoot this kind of issue, you need to configure the VPN server to allow VPN clients access to the Internet. The Windows RRAS server supports this configuration, and so do many firewalls. Resist the urge to disable the setting configuring the VPN client to use the VPN server as its default gateway, as this enables split tunneling, which is a well-known VPN client security risk. Meanwhile, I would like to share an article with you. Troubleshooting Vista VPN problems http://blogs.technet.com/rrasblog/archive/2007/04/08/troubleshooting-vista-vpn-problems.aspx Hope this helps. Thanks.
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July 21st, 2009 11:43am

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