I cannot active my Windows 7 Business
I installed Windows Business7 without any key, now I enter to web site and I get a evaluation product key. I tried to send feedback but first I need to enter my product key, but I cannot since I get a message saying that The product key you have entered will not work with this edition of Windows 7 You must either run Windows 7 Setup or enter a Windows 7 Business product key There is no a key for each edition, only for 32 or 64 in the microsoft web ebta testers
January 30th, 2009 12:01am

Mayeb taht is teh answer :( Seems to be you can only have Ultimate actived :P http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/w7itprogeneral/thread/56bd35d3-eff5-4ac6-bb68-8e8b17a50cae/
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January 30th, 2009 12:08am

Hi Antonio The public beta version of Windows 7 is only available in the Ultimate version. If you installed without the product key that you received when you downloaded Windows 7, and you selected to install a different version, such as Business, Windows 7 cannot be activated and will stop working after 30 days. You need to reinstall and enter the product key during the installation. This will allow Windows 7 to keep working until August 1, 2009. Hope this helps. Ronnie Vernon MVP
January 30th, 2009 2:04am

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