I cant see some thumbnails ... but can see some .... Please help!
Hi there, I hope someone can help. I am definitely not particularly computer savvy at all, (actually quite stupid around them). This is the detail of the problem I have: ALL my videos are set with windows media player as the default player and open and play in windows media player when you double click on them. The only difference is that some show the thumbnail and some do not. I have tried the obvious windows settings to show thumbnails etc but now have this unexplained problem. I have also loaded and tried Real Player, Media Player Classic, Media Player Lite, as well as Windows Media Player. All with similar results. All .flv format videos wont show the thumbnail pic of the video, only what appears to be a film clip with a music note .... (I have over 3,000 of .flv videos in this folder) Most .mp4 format files will show a pic of the video in the thumbnail but some will not, only what appear to be a film clip with a music note All .avr format videos are ok and do show the thumbnail pic of the video. All .mov format videos are ok and do show the thumbnail pic of the video. I have windows 7 Home Premium, 8.00gb installed memory and 64-bit operating system This is driving me crazy as I have huge difficulty in finding and playing videos as I have over 5,000 to view.
September 15th, 2012 5:43am

Hi kyleshawn. It sounds like a codec problem. Have you installed any? Try K-Lite from www.codecguide.com, and if you're running 64-bit, also http://www.majorgeeks.com/x64_Components_d5535.html When you open any of those FLV or MP4 - after viewing some of the video, do the thumbnails for the viewed videos then appear? Did the ones without thumbnails, ever have thumbnails before? If so, when did it stop and what did you do since then? FLV has been like that for me, too. It's not as universal as the other formats that you can see thumbnails for. One of the apps above should help.
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September 16th, 2012 2:04am

WOW you are an absolute star........ it seems to be ok now that I downloaded the 64bit codec. Many many thanks, much appreciated. Kyleshawn
September 16th, 2012 5:31am

Cool, welcome! By the way, I also use VLC Media Player which handles just about every video format. It's also free/open source with a nice interface: http://www.videolan.org/vlc/index.html Good luck.
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September 16th, 2012 7:19am

Once again many, many thanks. I will download your suggested player and give it a go. Have an amazing day.Kyleshawn
September 16th, 2012 1:10pm

Hi, Thanks for sharing. We really appreciate your time and efforts. Hope your experience will help other community members facing similar problems.Spencer TechNet Community Support
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September 17th, 2012 2:25am

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