I deleted addministrator and all his rights and now cant do anything because im not the addministator,,how can i get it back?
it wont download virus updates because not addministrator,,wont let me add or remove anything,,basically we have guest privaledges only1 person needs an answerI do too
January 30th, 2011 5:32pm

one method is to boot up in safe mode and log into windows using the default admin account. once inside, you can create a new user and give it admin privilege's for logging into windows normal mode. another method is to execute a system restore point which can reinstate user accounts that existed on the computer at the time a system restore point was created. -- db`...><)))> ."wolfbuzz" wrote in message news:8e420eaa-08a9-458d-bbd1-ad93ed3df98f...it wont download virus updates because not addministrator,,wont let me add or remove anything,,basically we have guest privaledges onlydb`...>-)))> `...>-)))> share the nirvana mann
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January 30th, 2011 6:55pm

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