I want to find which system resource is causing the problem. Is it RAM?
After aproximatelly 2-3 days of uptime I start having these problems - Already opened problems stop responding and it is not possible to open new programs. For example MS Excel has shown an error message - "Not enough resources to display ...". Skype showed "Out of resources" error message. WinSCP displayed - "Not enough storage to process this command" error message. But other programs may just hang up without any error message or when I try to open new programs they just do not open. At the same time the available physical memory is more than 2GB (I have total of 4GB of RAM on my computer). After I restart my computer everything works fine. How can I find out which system resource is no longer available and thus causing the problem for all of the programs? Maybe my RAM is not working correctly? How can I find it out? Thanks in advance! Arnis Sinka1 person needs an answerI do too
November 10th, 2009 12:52pm

Arnis Sinka This is a great tool that will help you out with any RAM Issues that you might have you have to create start up CD that will test you RAM's functionality and let you know if you have a bad stick of memory. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/2008.09.utilityspotlight.aspx?pr=blog Good Luck!Please rate me up if you find my post helpful. Thank you!
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
November 13th, 2009 9:34pm

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