Illegal copy
I have had a MSDN (Technet) copy (Legitimate)of Windows 7 Ultimate installed on my PC since Win 7 came out, About six months ago Windows update completed and when it rebooted it came up with "You are using an Illegal copy" message (I'm not!!!). I was going to phone Tech support about it, but i forgot about, and My PC has been happily working and downloading and applying updates with no problem. Yesterday after a Windows update i get the same message, but this time it says that My MSE will stop after 31 days...??? WTF!! I know my 7 Ultimate is Legitimate as i went to the Windows download site and installed the WGA tool and ran it. Any help in fixing this will be appreciated...Or should i just keep ignoring the Twice yearly warnings. cheers Who cares who wins
January 12th, 2011 11:01pm

I'd go back and delete the updates from yesterday and see what happens.
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January 12th, 2011 11:12pm

Hi, please run the Microsoft Genuine Diagnostics Tool (MGADiag) [1]. Inside the tool click "Copy" and paste the output here. André [1]"A programmer is just a tool which converts caffeine into code" CLIP- Stellvertreter
January 13th, 2011 9:20am

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