Improving Computer Performance
I have four questions: Why is my computer taking so long to switch between windows?Why does it frequently lock up? Are there any tips to keep the computer from getting viruses (yes, it has virus software protection)?What type of regular computer maintenance is recommended and what frequency? Note: I have dial-up service
February 24th, 2011 10:09pm

Hi Luvdavid1,I would suggest you to check your hard-disk for errors. Click on Start -> Run & Type -> chkdsk /f c: this will ask you to schedule disk scan you will have to select yes (Y) and upon reboot it will check your system and fix if errors found.You can try running disk cleanup to delete the unwanted files: Open My Computer -> Right click local drive C -> select properties -> disk cleanup. Click ok to delete the selected files within. (Can be performed montly).You may need to install User profile hive cleanup from microsoft website: (One time installation).For The virus related problems, you need to update your antivirus regularly (i can say weekly) and run a full system virus scan once a month if you use internet regularly, otherwise if your antivirus is running it will protect your system automatically.Hope this helps.
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February 24th, 2011 11:26pm

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