Indexing service not parsing html files properly
The indexing service on Windows 7 seems to have a bug in the nlhtml.dll. If there's a simple img tag, like <img src="image.jpg">, it doesn't index any remaining text in the file following that tag. This is easily reproducible. Just make an html file, put one unique word, then an image tag, then another unique word, then index it and it will find the first word but not the second. Certain other tags also seem to stop the indexing of the file. Here someone had this issue with a link rel tag: Can you confirm this bug? And if so, will there be a fix soon? (It worked in XP - the bug occurred immediately when I changed to a Windows 7 machine.)
February 28th, 2012 4:42am

Hi, I have checked the issue. It is a bug.
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March 2nd, 2012 2:30am

Hi, I know that Indexing Service is deprecated, but has this been fixed or are there any plans to fix it? Perhaps an update to nlhtml.dll? Thanks! -Justin
September 7th, 2012 11:50am

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