Install printer on remote PC from a script
We are currently looking for a way to remotely install printers on a PC as a non-admin. What we are trying to do is give our Level 1 help desk this ability. Currently we map our printers as a local printer to a network port so it will be available to all profiles. Is this possible? Anyone know of a way to go about this either by script or third party utility?"You can't fix stupid!"
April 5th, 2011 11:33am

This may help you decide the permission level you would like to assign. I think you can add your level1 support group to the 'Load and Unload Device Drivers' group policy setting as described:-;en-us;297780 In addition, I would probably recommend the following script for adding machine-level printers remotely, you don't need to map network printers to a port this way either. I use it all of the time, it is so much easier this way:- Moseley
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April 5th, 2011 2:17pm

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April 7th, 2011 3:24am

I did find a script to get this to work. Works with a network printer so this is all I need. Here is the code @echo off echo This will install a printer across profiles on a remote computer rem \\PrintServerName\printerName set /p printer= What is the printer name? Include the back slashes and the print server. rem \\ComputerName set /p computer= What is the computer name? Include the back slashes or leave blank to run on local machine rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ga /c%computer% /n%printer% start /wait sc %computer% stop spooler start /wait sc %computer% start spooler rem make the printer default rem rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /y /n %printer% echo Printer install complete pause @echo on I rem'd out the part to make it a default printer. That seemed to fail more than work for me"You can't fix stupid!"
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
April 7th, 2011 8:45am

For me, prnadmin.dll is still the way to go. Only works with 32-bit wscript.exe:
April 7th, 2011 5:16pm

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