Installing Win2k AFTER Win7 RC
Hey folks, I've got the following problem and hope someone can give me a good advice: I have two partitions - one with Win2k, that I used previously (yeah, I'm old-fashioned), and the other one with Windows 7 RC1. Yesterday I somehow f''ked up my Win2k-system - my AntiVir-Scanner went berserk and reported about a dozen Trojans - although I'm not aware, I downloaded/installed anything. I have the suspicion that it might have been false alarm. Whatever: After I quarantined and deleted several files, my Win2k-system wouldn't start anymore. So I decided to reinstall it on this partition (yeah, I love Windows 7 RC1, but I'm still having difficulties with a minor number of applications, which is why I want to keep a dual-boot system). I then had my heart pumping for a while, as Win2k neither could access the Win7-Partition, nor could I boot into Win7, because Win2k messed with the bootfiles. Luckily, the repair-function (had to run it three times though!) on the Win 7-DVD restored the boot files. However: Now I can't boot into Win2k anymore - I don't have it shown in the list of operating systems in the Start Settings. Is there any way to get my dual boot-system back? Would be a shame if there wasn't :( Best regards and thanks in advance for any help Jens
July 17th, 2009 5:27pm

Anyone who has the same problem: Try the freeware program EasyBCD. Helped me and is really intuitive to use. Best regards Jens
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
July 18th, 2009 6:10pm

Easybcd is a good program that works most of the time but sometimes fails during certain operations so here is reference with some commands that may be of use. it isn't Mr. Seven it's not.
July 18th, 2009 7:13pm

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