Integrating MKLINK into the context menu shell - UAC problems
I am trying to create a context menu option (Mklink here) to the context menu of a folder, so that when I right-click on it a symbolic link is created in a location (it can be a fixed location like my desktop or in the folder that I create the link, I don't really care). I have successfully added the option to the registry, and I run mklink. However, I get a priveleges error. How do I make the shell run as administrator? Is the possible? (note: my registry string is :cmd.exe /k mklink /d "%cd%" C:\Users\Ian\Desktop\link" which successfully calls mklink)
April 27th, 2010 5:33am

You can make a batch file and set it to always run as administrator. Then point the context menu entry to that batch file.Arthur Xie - MSFT
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April 29th, 2010 11:26am

at the same level as HKCR\Directory\(Background\)shell\cmd or HKCR\Drive\shell\cmd instead of cmd, make a key named runas i think the command line you want is cmd.exe /c mklink /d C:\Users\Ian\Desktop\link %v example: HKCR\Directory\shell\runas (Default) REG_SZ my_context_menu_string HKCR\Directory\shell\runas\command (Default) REG_SZ cmd.exe /c mklink /d C:\Users\Ian\Desktop\link %v
April 29th, 2010 2:33pm

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