Internet connection keeps dropping with windows 7 64
I installed windows 7 premium roughly one and 1/2 weeks ago. Not long after I did so the internet connection starting dropping from a few minutes upto a couple of hours at a time. This happens when this computer is turned off and a older laptop with xp on connects too. My router is a Thomson TG585 v7 from my internet provider Tiscali. I have tried a few online solutions including disabling bonjour from my itunes, disabling homegroup neither of which solved the problem. I'm wondering if there is a solution for this or weither a new router is needed to stabilise the connection again. Both the desktop and laptop connect directly to the router.
January 25th, 2011 1:22pm

This happens regardless of whether the Windows 7 computer is on or not? I'd say it's a problem with your router or ISP. Have you contacted your ISP about it yet? Maybe they've got line problems because of the weather or something. You might also try getting a bottle of canned air and blowing the dust bunnies out of both your router and modem. It's not beyond the realm of possibility that the vents are clogged and this is a heat issue.
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January 25th, 2011 1:36pm

The xp laptop is used by my mother when she visits and I was told it has dropped whilst she has been using it. So yes it seems to have been doing regardless of when its on or not. I am having difficulty in getting hold of someone that knows what they are talking about. On the first call they thought it was tiscali trying to shut my internet down after the account was closed in error. (which it wasn't) I will keep trying with them to see what the condition of the line is.
January 25th, 2011 2:38pm

Sometimes routers need to be reset and configured again from scratch. Making sure things like DHCP is functioning and working properly on the network. Updated drivers for the devices such as the network-cards and wireless adapters. Routers also have updates called Firmware, updating your router Firmware does usually two things, improves security and improves performance and features(fixes bugs). These are a few of the things I do in these types situations, only make one change at a time so things can be ruled in/out. Hope this helps some. John Wiley
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January 25th, 2011 11:41pm

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