Internet explorer does not correctly open links.
My issue is this...Say I have a webpage open and click on a link. Sometimes the links open up a second webpage. It does not open up a new tab in the same page. When this new webpage opens, the actual web address does not show up in the http line, it actually shows up on the first tab in this new webpage and the http line is completely blank, and we dont get to go to our link. the screen just stays blankUltimately, I end up having to go back to the original page, copy as a shortcut, and paste into the http line on the new page to get my link to open.Does that make sense? Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks!1 person needs an answerI do too
February 25th, 2010 7:22am

What if you go to (in IE) Tools | Internet Options | Advanced and click the Reset button?-B- Author: The Lawyer's Guide to Microsoft Outlook
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February 25th, 2010 8:09am

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