Internt Browser history and Syncing tracking

I try to delete my browser history, cookies, everything but it still pops up in the Internet Browser. Does this have to do with my account being logged into all of my computers, if so how do I turn this feature off. This crap is annoying. Even when I use cleaner it still shows websites I've visited.

Also I fear that this feature allows my company to track my browser history when I use their wireless network. Would they be able to see this information if they wanted to track it? Can they see the links I visited at home on other machines. I noticed the frequent websites visited pops up on my tablet from other machines I use at home. I'm really curious to know if tracking software on company networks would be able to track these frequent websites visited.

Its my understanding that since my account is encrypted then my company wouldn't be able to see my messages and any synced information such as pics, favorite websites, browsing history, etc.  I'm not 100% on that though.

  • Edited by JonRL 9 hours 36 minutes ago
April 16th, 2015 5:49pm

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