Is there a way to combine 4 Service Packs and the main Application into One file???
Hi Everyone, I have a windows application called Arc GIS. I have about 15 users on whose Desktop this software should be applied. But I have about 4 service packs that need to go alone with this software. Is there a way to club all these softwares into one Single package and install it on all the 15 users? Thanks
June 6th, 2012 3:27pm

1. You can create image with target installation that contains all needed applications including service packs. 2. If service packs are in the form of msi, you can use native push installation with the help of group policy in Active Directory environment. Regards Milos
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June 7th, 2012 2:48pm

IIRC, the ArcGIS service packs are MSP packages. Similar to Windows service packs, the ArcGIS service packs are cumulative meaning you only need to apply the latest as it will have all of the previous updates. No need to install SP1, SP2, etc. in a sequential manner; only load SP4. In either case, you can easily script the installation via a simple batch file using the Windows Installer. Open up a command prompt and type msiexec.exe /? for all options.
June 7th, 2012 3:33pm

If the service packs are .MSP files, then the main installer is an .msi file, right? If so, your request is simple: Perform an administrative installation of the msi to a deployment folder: msiexec.exe /a arcgis_setup.msi TARGETDIR=deployfolderApply the patch(es) to the administrative installation: msiexec.exe /a deployfolder\arcgis_steup.msi /update arcgis_sp4.msp TARGETDIR=deployfolder Repeat step 2 for each patch that needs installed. If DarienHawk67 is correct about the patches being cumulative, then you'll only need to apply the latest patch. Once complete, you can use the files in the deployfolder to install the software or deploy via GPO. The patches will already be "preinstalled".-Tony
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June 7th, 2012 7:42pm

If the service packs are .MSP files, then the main installer is an .msi file, right? If so, your request is simple: Perform an administrative installation of the msi to a deployment folder: msiexec.exe /a arcgis_setup.msi TARGETDIR=deployfolderApply the patch(es) to the administrative installation: msiexec.exe /a deployfolder\arcgis_steup.msi /update arcgis_sp4.msp TARGETDIR=deployfolder Repeat step 2 for each patch that needs installed. If DarienHawk67 is correct about the patches being cumulative, then you'll only need to apply the latest patch. Once complete, you can use the files in the deployfolder to install the software or deploy via GPO. The patches will already be "preinstalled".-Tony
June 7th, 2012 7:45pm

Hi, May I know what file do you want to get? To make them combine to one file is simple. But when you install these Services Packs or application, it should be sequenced. If think you may write a batch file and auto run it, adding all the Sercvices Packs and main application into one file such as *.iso file.Ivan-Liu TechNet Community Support
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June 8th, 2012 3:22am

If you want a single file, then you basically have two options: Create a self-extracting EXE file. It'll extract the source and launch the installer. A tool like Winzip can do this. Don't forget to clean up (delete) the extracted files.After perfoming an administrative installation, you'll have a bunch of files/folder in the deployment directory. You can compile them into a single, large .msi.-Tony
June 8th, 2012 2:21pm

Has this issue been resolved? Can you post an update please? Thank you.-Tony
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June 19th, 2012 10:28am

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