Itunes music folder permission. How do I fix it so that it is right?? Running Windows XP Home Edition
After upgrading my Itunes to Itunes 10, I have not been able to buy music. It downloads it, then when it is just about done proccessing, it stops, saying err = ( - 5000) stopped, then a window pops up saying I do not have enough priviliges, and should check the network connection.I have contacted Itunes and they were of no help. I have gotten as far as running in safe mode and clicking on security tab for Itune music folder. The problem is I do not know what should be there. I have three accounts that it says have access. The only box not clicked is special permissions, but it will not let me mess with that. Any Help would be appreciated. A screen shot of what should be there would be nice. Should there be three accounts with permission?? Thanks!2 people need an answerI do too
September 11th, 2010 6:13pm

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