Jpeg prefetch stops workflow
I often work with folders containing many jpeg images. XP Pro seems to stop "everything" and prefetch(?) every jpeg in the folder, which may be hundreds, effectively halting my workflow until all are recognized. Is there anyway to turn that default setting off. I would often just want to open a folder and go to a random jpeg without having instant access to all of them. I run my folders in Detail mode and don't usually use the Thumbnail mode.Thanks in advance. Email removed for privacy
November 28th, 2009 4:55am

I often work with folders containing many jpeg images. XP Pro seems to stop "everything" and prefetch(?) every jpeg in the folder, which may be hundreds, effectively halting my workflow until all are recognized. Is there anyway to turn that default setting off. I would often just want to open a folder and go to a random jpeg without having instant access to all of them. I run my folders in Detail mode and don't usually use the Thumbnail mode.Thanks in advance. Email removed for privacy =================================Maybe the following articles will be useful:Disabling Prefetch Registry Hack to Disable or Modify Prefetch Inzer - MS-MVP - Digital Media Experience - Notice_This is not tech support_I am a volunteer - Solutions that work for me may not work for you - ***Proceed at your own risk***
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November 29th, 2009 6:36pm

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