Just-In-Time Debugging Window popping up every time I access Explorer 7
I'm running XP - I don't know why, but as of a couple of weeks ago, every time I open Explorer 7 or any site - I get a pop-up...Just-In-Time Debugging. It asks me to select a Debugger, and offers only one choice "New Instance of Microsoft Script Editor" and at the bottom it asks if you want to set the new debugger as the default - no matter what you do, it seems like it's in a loop and nothing happens except it keeps popping up. If you click the X at the top right corner it goes away until you open another site or page on a site and then it pops up again.Any suggestions to fix it or get rid of it - Thanks in advance for your help.
August 12th, 2009 4:19pm

There is probably a better forum for this question, but I'll try to give some help.I have never seen such a thing. I would be very suspicious of it. Try running Internet Explorer from Startup > Accessories > System Tools (No Add-ons). If the thing you're seeing goes away, then probably some malicious plugin or activex objectsnuck into IE7 while browsing, and it's trying to trick you into enabling it. Find and remove it.I might be totally wrong...
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August 12th, 2009 4:35pm

Or you can reset Internet Explorer to the default settings, try to boot in Safe Mode too.
September 28th, 2009 6:03am

I'm trying to solve this issue on a laptop computer right now, but with a different twist. I don't have to have a browser window or anything else open. It appears to me that whatever this is coming from, it is coming up every time anything on this computer tries to access the internet. I went to Internet Properties, and found all the zones in the Security tab had been set to a custom setting, apparently. I reset them all to Default Settings, and so far the problem has not returned. Keep in mind, this is AFTER I had already relieved the system of a load of malware, using Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and AVG. It had Microsoft Security Essentials on it previously, but I was unable to get it to update anymore, probably due to this problem I think. Jamie JAMCAD Consulting Enterprises http://www.jamcadconsulting.com
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August 14th, 2010 6:29am

Have to revise this unfortunately. It's back. I read on another site somewhere that this was related to AOL software. This machine did have AOL software on it at one time, and it still has some things hanging around that are AOL related. Guess I'll have to try a manual removal of AOL stuff & go from there.
August 15th, 2010 1:35am

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