Ken Keegan
In previous editions of windows I could send any open document to one note using the CTL + P command and selecting one note from the drop down menu where is it now?
May 29th, 2009 12:31pm

Ken - Ctrl-P is usually the command used by most apps to print documents. If OneNote didn't install itself as a printer, then it won't be showing up there.. You might want to try reinstalling OneNote and making sure you've got that option installed.P.S. For future reference, please use a title for your posts other than your name. You can get alerts to anyone responding to your posts so when someone replies, you'll be able to find it. Using your name on more than one post only confuses everyone.
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May 29th, 2009 1:05pm

Reinstalled one note and fixed it
May 29th, 2009 2:26pm

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